
The Integrated Energy and Landscape Analysis (ELIA) developed by LET proved to be more accurate than the ecological footprint (EF)

LET researchers in collaboration with researchers from the Environmental Sciences Research Institute of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran (Iran) and the Department of Economic History, Institutions, Politics and World Economy of the University of Barcelona publish a new article. The study consists of the application of the Energy and Landscape Integrated Analysis (ELIA) and the Ecological Footprint (EF) indicator in a case study with 46 municipalities in Qazvin Province (Iran). The results show a lower accuracy of the EF compared to the ELIA in capturing the socioecological impacts of different types of agricultural practices. Unlike EF, ELIA makes it possible to better distinguish between different food production and consumption practices, thus being able to inform farmers, consumers and politicians more accurately about the most sustainable options.

Figure 2 of the article: Application of the ecological footprint (EF; a) and the Integrated Energy-Landscape Analysis (ELIA; b) to the 46 municipalities of Qazvin province.


For more details on the research, see the article:
