Case studies in which the LET has participated
The LET has structural funding from the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, which allows to tackle both applied research studies commissioned by the administration but competitive research projects at the state and international levels as well. LET also collaborates in different research networks like the UAB Open Labs, which becames an space for experimentation, innovation and demonstration of the new technologies and methods, inside the campus and in the metropolitan territory of Barcelona.
FILTER projects
One of the fundamental objectives of LET is to promote the debate and applied research in order to improve knowledge about the metropolitan socio-ecological system of Barcelona and, by extension, other metropolises in the world, identifying the critical and strategic elements for the territorial planning and management. That is why LET participates in postgraduate courses, hosts doctoral theses and conducts communications at the local level and conferences at an international level (the most significant ones are detailed). Last but not least, a “lab of ideas” is set up consisting of the LET Seminars and the LET Workshops, which are regularly announced on this page and in which everyone interested is invited to participate. (send an email if you wish to receive updated information:
LET Workshops are public and aim to bring together topics of special interest, because of their innovation potential or current interest, in the planning and management of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, based on the paradigm of treating the “territory as a system “. Generally, they consist of a 30-minute presentation by an expert in the subject and a 60-minute round table where scientists, technicians, managers and interested stakeholders can debate and try to reach a consensus. After these workshops a collection of the main ideas and proposals will be summarized in a Report of the Workshops of the LET. You need confirmation of assistance (
“Biodiversitat metropolitana: biodiversitat funcional?”. February 9, 2021. Online via Zoom. Language: Spanish and Catalan. Program.
Video of the session:

X Simposio de la Sociedad Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Historia Ambiental (Quito, Ecuador, 5-9 julio 2021). LaRota-Aguilera, María José. “Sostenibilidad de frontera agrícola en los Andes tropicales: Una aproximación desde el metabolismo del paisaje del Valle del río Cauca (Colombia)”.

European Urban Research Association Conference 2012 (Vienna, Austria, 20-22/09/2012). Marull, J.; Galletto, V.; Domene, E. “Megaregions: a new unit of analysis to explore urban sustainability”.

International Regions Benchmarking Consortium Conference 2011 (Vancouver, Canada, 20-22/09/2011). Marull, J. “Improving European mega-regions towards sustainability”.

Open Landscapes – Ecology, Management and Nature Conservation 2013 (Hildesheim, Germany, 29/09-03/10/2013). Marull, J. “Looking backwards into a Mediterranean edge environment: The importance of cultural landscapes in biological conservation”.

Conference on Sustainability and Human Development 2013 (London, United Kingdom, 03-04/07/2013). Domene, E.; Marull, J. “Exploring sustainability in Euro-Mediterranean megaregions. A methodological proposal for a new scale of urban planning”.

10th World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology 2019 (Milano, Italy, 1-5/07/2019). Marull, J. “Land use planning through socio-ecological perspectives. Application for the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Masterplan”.

Regional Studies Association International Conference 2013 (Los Angeles, USA, 16-18/12/2013). Marull, J.; Domene, E.; Font, C.; Galletto, V. “Megaregions: a new unit of analysis to explore urban sustainability”.

European Conference UNESCO-SCBD Joint Programme on Biological and Cultural Diversity 2014 (Florence, Italy, 08-11/04/2014). Marull, J.; Tello, E.; Fullana, N.; Font, C.; Domene, E. “Exploring the ‘intermediate disturbance hypothesis’: Could cultural landscapes increase environmental resilience?”.

3rd World Congress of Environmental History 2019 (Florianopolis, Brazil, 22-26/07/2019). Marull, J., Tello, E. “Land-use patterns and biodiversity location: The role of agricultural mosaics (land sharing) and nature protected areas (land spring) in Catalonia (1956-2009) and Costa Rica (1986-2014)”.

X Jornadas sobre información de Biodiversidad y Administraciones Ambientales (Palma, Spain, 11/2017). “Preparing for climate change. Spanish demo case blog – GBIF”.

Simposio de la Sociedad Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Historia Ambiental 2018 (Liberia, Costa Rica, 16-20/07/2018). Montero, A., Marull, J. “Agro-ecosistemas cafetaleros, funcionamiento ecológico del paisaje y biodiversidad”.

5th European Congress of Conservation Biology (Jyväskylä, Finland, 12-15/06/2018). Melero, Y., Stefanescu C., Pino, J. “Butterflies in the city: ecological filtering of urban landscape”

World Congress of Environmental History 2014 (Guimaraes, Portugal, 09-12/07/2014). Font, C.; Marull, J.; Tello, E.; Galan, E. “Landscape Patterns and Energy Use: A Proposal for Measuring Complexity in Internal Agro-Ecosystem Processes”.

ALTER Net conference 2017: Nature and society: synergies, conflicts and trade offs (Gent, Belgium, 05/2017). Pino, J. “Biodiversity dynamics in forested metropolitan landscapes: the role of landscape context and land use legacy”.

European Landscape Ecology Congress 2017 (Ghent, Belgium, 12-15/09/2017). Marull, J. “The Energy–Landscape Integrated Analysis of agroecosystems”.

European Society for Environmental History Biennial Conference 2017 (Zagreb, Croatia 28-30/06/2016), Tello, E., Padró, R., Marco, I., Díez, L., Caravaca, J., Galán, E. “Sustainable Farm Systems? Why and How to Apply the Energy Flow Analysis of Cultural Landscapes in Past and Present Agricultures”.

Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Project 2016 (Beijing, China 23-27/10/2016). Marull, J. “Long-term Energy-Landscape Integrated Analysis: application to the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (1850-2010) at different spatial scales”.

Old and New Worlds: the Global Challenges of Rural History. International Conference (Lisboa, Portugal 27-30/01/2016), Aguilera, E., MacFayden, J., Padró, R., Gingrich, S., Marco, I., Guzmán, G., Cunfer, G. “Intensification and specialization in the old and new worlds: a quantitative analysis of changes in regional agroecosystem energy flows during industrialization”.

XII Congreso Nacional de la AETT 2015 (Coimbra, Portugal, 06/2015). Pino, J. “New Iberian forests: community assembly rules and ecosystem functions”.

World Economic History Congress 2015 (Kyoto, Japan, 3-7/08/2015). Tello, E.; Marull, J.; Font, C.; Fullana, N.; Domene, E. “An Intermediate Disturbance-Complexity model of agricultural and forest mosaics”.
The LET produces technical reports comissioned by the administration (in this section the Strategic Plan 2019-2022 of the LET is also included) and publishes scientific articles as a result of its research. The map shows case studies from around the world in which the LET has participated, as well as its associated publications.