Secondary forests continue to increase in the Iberian Peninsula at a rate higher than the European average

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Complex metropolitan regions, with several urban centers, are more economically efficient and less dependent on energy consumption

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The MA4SURE project launches a newsletter!

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Singular or declining butterflies are detected in the parks of the metropolitan area of Barcelona

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Agroecological viticulture is more energy efficient with a similar economic gain and also better distributed

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The mBMS at the Ciutats de Ciència conference

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Certified organic farming is not enough to overcome some trends of industrial agriculture

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Agroecoland and Agroecoscaling, the two new research projects led by the LET

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What impacts on the eutrophication of water does peri-urban agriculture have?

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MA4SURE participatory workshop: ‘The agroecological transition in the face of climate change. Could the region of Alt Penedès be a pioneer?’

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The LET will be at the UAB stand at the Smart City Expo World Congress

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The Metropolitan Butterfly Observatory mBMS launches an interactive viewer data updated in real time

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Intermediate disturbance can have a positive effect on the provision of human needs and, at the same time, can help maintain the landscape’s ecological functionality

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Metropolitan Butterfly Observatory mBMS 2022: 22 parks and 4 beaches to choose from

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Conference ‘Metropolitan green infrastructure: challenges and opportunities’ of the magazine #Papers64. Sign up!

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The LET website recovers its activity after the computer attack at UAB

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“Ecosystems are like a plane and we take them out of pieces that can make them fall. It could be that Ricarda was one of the last screws in the Delta.”

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